Saturday 20 September 2014


Here's a list of volcanic mountains that are still active in Indonesia as well as the most dangerous mountain in Indonesia because they take casualties every time erupted.


Mount Merapi (peak height of 2,968 m above sea level, per 2006) is a volcano in the central part of Java Island and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Slopes of the south side are in administration Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, and the rest are in the region of Central Java province, namely Magelang District on the west side, Boyolali on the north and east, and Klaten district on the southeastern side. Forest area around the peak became Mount Merapi National Park area since 2004.

The mountain is very dangerous because according to modern records having eruption (peak liveliness) every two to five years and is surrounded by a very dense settlement. Since 1548, this mountain has erupted 68 times. Magelang and Yogyakarta City is the closest major city, is under 30 miles from the peak. On the slopes there are settlements up to an altitude of 1700 m and is just four kilometers from the peak. Because of this importance, Merapi became one of sixteen volcanoes of the world including the Decade Volcanoes project.


Mount Sinabung (Karo language: Please see the Sinabung) is a volcano in Karo Highlands, Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Sinabung together Sibayak nearby are two active volcanoes in North Sumatra and became the highest peak in the province. Height of this mountain is 2,460 meters.

This mountain has never recorded erupted since 1600but suddenly active again erupted in 2010 with the last eruption of this mountain occurred since September 2013 and lasted until now.

By 2013, Mount Sinabung erupts again, until 18 September 2013, there have been 4 times eruption. The first eruption occurred there dated 15 September 2013 in the morning, then going back in the afternoon. On 17 September 2013, two eruptions occurred on the afternoon and evening. As a result of these events, the status of Mount Sinabung be raised to level 3 alert. Once the activity is quite high for a few days, on 29 September 2013 was lowered to level 2 status, Alert. However, the activity does not stop and fluctuating conditions.

On November 24, 2013 at 10:00 Sinabung status was raised to the highest level, level 4 (Caution). Residents of 21 villages and 2 hamlets should diungsikan.Setelah this condition continues to persist, the last week of January 2014 Mount Sinabung began stable condition and planned refugees originating from outside the danger radius (5 km) can be discharged. However, the day after 14 people were found dead and three people injured by hot clouds glide while visiting the village of Suka Hilariously, District Umbrella which are in the danger zone I


Anak Krakatau Island 6 ° 6'0 "S, 105 ° 25'0" E, is a small volcanic island, which appeared in the Island Sertung (Verlaten Eiland) and Small Rakata Island (Lang Eiland) in 1928, in place was formerly the shore to a depth of 27 m. This Island is the youngest island in Indonesia.

In 1929, this small island disappear again, but then came back along with eruptions in 1930, and after great eruptions appeared in February 1933 with a larger size. In 1935, the island shape is almost circular, with a diameter of about 1200 m, a height of 63 m and the 125 m high in 1940. In 1955 the island increased in height to 155 m above sea level. In 1959 the island explodes back and thick black smoke to a height of 600 m.

Along with the volcanic activity of the volcano in the island, the highest point of the island continued to increase at a rate of 7-9 meters per year.


Mount Bromo (from Sanskrit: Brahma, one of the main Hindu gods), the volcano is still active and most famous as a tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Mount Bromo become attractive because of its status as the volcano is still active.

Bromo has a height of 2,392 meters above sea level located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang Regency. Mount Bromo mesh body shape between valleys and canyons with a caldera or a sea of ​​sand covering approximately 10 square kilometers.

Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of ​​a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo.

During the twentieth century, a famous mountain as a tourist spot that erupted three times, with regular time intervals, ie 30 years. Largest eruption occurred in 1974, while the last eruption occurred in 2011.

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