Saturday 20 September 2014


 Women and Child Protection Investigators ( PPA ) Crime Investigation Division ( Ditreskrim ) Regional Police ( Police ) NTT inspection team will check the health of Hospitals ( RSB ) Kupang . Director General of the Criminal Investigation and the NTT Police , Commissioner of Police ( Police Commissioner ) Sam Julius Kawengian explained , an examination of the health team in RSB Kupang to investigate ILS pregnancy is not detected , even when examined its contents have entered the age of three months .
He explained that an examination of the health inspection team RSB Kupang done after investigators PPA General Ditreskrim NTT Police Women Police examine two female students ( Policewoman ) State Police School ( SPN ) Singajara , Bali , who was pregnant , ILS and BDL , Thursday ( 18/09/2014 ) night . Sam said the investigation is not detection of pregnancy two students will be more focused on the ILS . Because the results of the investigation , BDL have sexual relations with the opposite sex after medical examination . While ILS have sexual relations with his girlfriend since February 2014 . " If it is not detected because BDL clear when examined in RSB concerned has never had sex with the opposite sex , " said Sam . 
According to Sam , there are four possible causes of pregnancy was not detected ILS . The four possibilities, namely pregnancy faulty detector , using other people 's urine , excess doses of drugs related to the possibility ILS want an abortion , and the game so that it passes committee person . To prove one of four possibilities, investigators should examine various witnesses . In addition to the team of health inspectors , police also checked the SPN Singaraja , Bali , physician specialists and colleagues ILS school in Singaraja SPN .
 " When examined two students claimed not to know that they are pregnant during the study . Both newly pregnant when the doctors know NES Singaraja examination , " said Sam . Against recognition BDL pregnant after being raped WW , Sam said , investigators will also call WW , the man accused of impregnating BDL . Not only that , the man who impregnates ILS will also be examined as a witness in this case . Regarding the BDL family wanted to report the criminal offense of rape WW , Sam stated , it is the right family BDL . Each incoming report would be followed in accordance with existing procedures .

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