Sunday 21 September 2014


Songkok, which is also known as peci or a cap similar to a traditional Malay cap. In Indonesia, songkok which is also known as the peci is then become part of the national dress, and used not only by Muslims. Songkok was also worn by soldiers and police of Malaysia and Brunei in certain ceremonies. The head cover is a variation of Fes or Tharbusy originating from Morocco.

Popular Malay Songkok for communities in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and southern Thailand. This equipment is said to come from the clothing worn in Ottoman Turkey. Songkok became popular among Indian Muslims and later gradually according to experts in the Malay world into a songkok. In kesusteraan Melayu, songkok has been referred to in the poem Siti Zubaidah (1840) "... in white red bersongkok ....".

For the Muslims in the archipelago, the use of head songkok becomes official when attending official ceremonies such as marriage ceremony, Friday prayers, religious ceremonies and during Eid and Eid al-Adha. Songkok is also used as a complement Malay traditional dresses worn to attend certain meetings

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