Sunday 21 September 2014


Gado-gado is one of the foods that come from Java in the form of vegetables are boiled and blended into one, with a peanut sauce or sauce of crushed peanuts with sliced ​​egg and fried onions sprinkled on top. Slightly fried chips or crackers (there's also wearing the shrimp crackers) are also added.

Hodgepodge be eaten alone as a salad with herbs / peanut sauce, but can also be eaten with white rice or sometimes also served with rice cake.
Vegetables are often used can vary, although vegetables commonly used are:
  •      Green vegetables are sliced ​​into small pieces such as lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, and sprouts
  •      Other vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers
  •      tomatoes
  •      Sliced ​​boiled potatoes
  •      boiled eggs
With the exception of eggs and boiled potatoes, vegetables used are usually still in a raw state. Although sometimes vegetables such as cabbage and cauliflower can also be boiled in hot water. There is also a vegetable that is sometimes cooked with steam.

One of the differences hodgepodge of other vegetable salad is the peanut sauce is used. The materials used for this peanut sauce can also be varied. Materials commonly used are:
  •      Crushed roasted peanuts
  •      garlic
  •      Chili, pepper
  •      Lime juice
  •      Salt, brown sugar
Sometimes also added:     Santan  ketchup   and terasi 

How to Make Gado Gado:
  •      First make a peanut sauce first. Peanuts are roasted then newly smoothed skin    discarded
  •      Saute red chillies, lime leaves, and garlic until fragrant.
  •      Add coconut milk and roasted peanuts earlier then stir until boiling.
  •      Give tamarind water, salt, and brown sugar. Stir and cook briefly. then set aside.
  •      Tempeh and tofu fried until dry. Sprouts brewed with hot water.
  •      Prepare materials that have been boiled, as taode, cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggs, coupled with tempeh and tofu. Tata neatly on a plate.
  •      Then flush with peanut sauce made ​​earlier. Gado gado is ready to be eaten. 

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