Friday 3 October 2014

Rote Island: Surfers Paradise on the South Boundary of Indonesia

Rote Island in addition known as the southernmost region of Indonesia also has a specific cultivation of papyrus, Sasando musical instruments, custom hats Ti'i Langga, also surfing sports, especially nautical tourism.

Rote Island has been known to surfers as the location is perfect and the challenge to try the roll waves are spectacular. Bo'a beach is one of the world where the surfers used to follow the international level competition.

Rote Island is standing at the southernmost limit of the archipelago lies in the line of 11 degrees south latitude. The temperature of hot air is tropical, suitable for those who are fond of beach tourism.

Most of the land in the islands of Rote is a land with rocky charming. Not many plants that can flourish in the island, especially in the north and the south in the form of the low-lying coast except that in the middle there is a valley and hills.

Rote island itself has a population of about 120,000 people. The island is guarded by two larger islands, namely in the northeast of Timor and Sumba to the west. Rote Island is so far in the adventure map but it feels very close to when the foot was a foothold in the seaport town Ba'a.

Ferry from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Ba'a drove each day to the largest city on the island of Rote. The island has pristine white sand like flour. The beauty of this island continues discussed adventurous and surfers because the island has a hilly surface is balanced by the savannas as well as several small lakes like the Dead Sea.

Famous beach areas, namely Nemberala the scatter point surfers to various surf spots another challenge. Oriented Savu Sea to its west, he was like a sandy square decorated with lush palm trees stand even when the long dry season.

Although not surfing as his guests, local communities remain understated and joyfully accept and give greetings and regards to foreign tourists and adventurers.

T-Land is located in the west of the island of 1,200 square kilometers and is known as one of the longest waves in Indonesia providers who rolled to the left. The perfect beauty with a blend of natural landscape with the farmers and fishermen are smiling. Colorful water depths varying've circled petals elusive forest green matching its beauty.

Although far from the big city goes wild in various parts of the country but Rote Island is not too far behind for the availability of exclusive tourist facilities. However, the simplicity and tradition that is grown in the form of custom homes remain visible from the shoreline up to the plateau in the hills. The similarity between the exclusivity and modesty has relied on building materials that originally came from the grace of nature, namely palm trees for building materials up to the roof pillars are protected.

Restaurants or cafes in the resorts location surfers and adventurers accidentally exposed to the open sea. As the green landscape started amazement while visitors take his eyes toward the blue and green color compounds are transparent. That's because the location is not obstructed, grandiose atmosphere as the sun left the horizon over the ocean Savu be so spectacular and awe-inspiring.


To visit the island of Rote, fly to Kupang on Timor Island. You will land at El Tari Airport where next to the Port Marine Tenau. When the time was already evening then you'll want to stay in Kupang.

From Tenau, you will cross the ocean to Ba'a in Rote Island. The trip will be taken for 2 hours by fast ferry or about 4.5 hours by regular ferry.

Arriving at the port Ba'a Rote, you can see clear water beaches and mangrove trees decorate around it. There is also a dock with the atmosphere of the white sand beach, shops and houses several houses with typical fence made of palm leaf midrib which has dried.

Up and down the streets and meandering hill brings you to enjoy a wide expanse of the animals roam.

From Ba'a public transport went up by a 2 hour drive to arrive in the village Nemberala.

  • It is wise if you always provide water to drink in a portable package.
  • Protective cream or sunscreen should always be taken and used as needed in this area because the air is very hot even though the wind was blowing quite refreshing.
  • You should also carry protective anti mosquito.
  • If you want to adventure into the interior, is very wise if you use the services of a guide from your hotel or place to stay. Provide enough money because in this place where the ATM is quite rare.
Some of the best places that you can make a stopover to enjoy the splendor of nature or even to enjoy a honeymoon is the following.
  • Rote Island Lodge. This place is so riveting and constructed on top of a hill that looked towards the open sea. Owned by Adrian and Kate. The resort is reserved for divers, surfers, and also adventurers who understand the meaning of exclusivity in the middle of the wild. For accommodation reservation, please send electronic mail to
  • Nemberala Beach Resort is a resort that was built specially for surfers, sport fishing enthusiasts, too adventurous. Bungalows that resemble traditional house built with wood shades ejection including restaurant deliberately designed to glue the relationship between adventurous guests.
  • Malole Surf House is home to the surfers. With materials from palm trees, building walls and wooden spring is made ​​into two separate houses that can accommodate 10 people surfers. The restaurant provided a very nuanced nature ocean adventurers.

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