Friday 3 October 2014

Culinary Specialties West Java Indonesia

Many people visit Bandung, the capital of West Java province, to pamper their tongue. London will offer a variety of things that will make you amazed. From various food sold on the outskirts of the five feet up in a fancy restaurant meals, every visitor must find something to their liking here, in Bandung.

Sundanese (the people who lived in West Java are called Sundanese) has tempting drinks. Sundanese food tends to be sweet yet tasty unless you add sambal sudden (and other chili mashed together) on your food. If you are looking for a more spicy flavor, just add this sambal with rice sudden lead (white rice formed in banana leaf rolls) with other special foods. This tongue tantalizing food too delicious to pass up! Usually sour vegetables served with rice this lead.

Sundanese people like to eat vegetables. Sometimes they even eat raw vegetables (called a salad or vegetables) such as cucumbers, tomatoes, basil, eggplant, cabbage, lettuce, and so on. Vegetables are usually equipped with sudden sauce.

Perhaps one of the most famous dish is lead, lead consists of rice, vegetables, chili sudden, a piece of chicken (fried or baked in Sundanese style), fried tofu, fried tempeh, a slice jambal (salted fish). If you want, you can add the obese (sliced ​​beef, mixed with traditional spices, then fried), Pepes (main ingredients such as fish, chicken, mushroom, etc. mixed with mashed and mixed spices, folded into a banana leaf, then steamed and ready to eat), sauteed green vegetables, and others. Rice is a favorite food of lead locals and also tourists. Batagor (meatballs fried tofu) is one of the most sought after special meals. Made from tofu and peanut sauce special, batagor? Never lost its popularity.

For those who like sweet foods Bananas molen, Indonesian traditional cake made ​​from bananas and cheese. For variety, try steamed brownies. Es cendol, made ​​of a mixture of mashed rice, brown sugar, and coconut milk, very fun when enjoyed during hot weather. As for the cold weather, try tasting bandrek or bajigur.

Bandung also offers various milk products most notably the yogurt. Basically there are two types of yoghurt in Bandung the thin and thick (French style).


Snacks ala Bandung are widely sold all over the city. Among them are Gehu (tofu stuffed with bean sprouts and vegetables), fried bananas, cireng (fried tapioca), and more. You might be interested in trying other snacks such as, fried jackfruit, Peuyeum fries (fried cassava), pineapple fried, and so on. Sticky rice and grilled corn on the cob is also highly recommended.

Fried rice, though not derived from Bandung, is also a favorite in the city. The material is varied, sometimes rice mixed with seafood (typically shrimp, squid pieces, pieces of crab meat), chicken and vegetables, mutton and vegetables, salted fish, and so on.

Cakue, foods made from flour batter and then fried, is also worth a try.

Bandung also has other restaurants, such as Padang (West Sumatra foods, spicy taste), Javanese (sweet taste), Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western, Indian, and so on.

Sundanese food is familiar with the food Parahyangan called, Land of the Gods, a city with a metropolitan atmosphere and cozy city at the same time. Filled restaurants, factory outlets, and malls, so take a trip to London would be a very enjoyable and memorable.

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