Monday 13 October 2014

To Indonesia, Zuckerberg Popped into Borobudur Temple

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, finally arrived in Indonesia in order campaign, a project that aims to make the people of the world are not blind Internet. Zuckerberg campaign will be held on Monday, October 13, 2014, at the Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta. Before coming to the capital city, a man with a total of Rp 423 trillion, it took a visit to Borobudur.

"I just arrived in Indonesia and rise to the top (Temple) Borobudur to watch the sunrise. event tomorrow, I can not wait to meet with the developer, co-operators, and the government in Jakarta," Zuckerberg wrote in his Facebook account today.

Photo Zuckerberg immediately bombarded by the occupants thumbs up. A number of users also seem happy with Zuckerberg's presence in Indonesia.

"The creator of Facebook again touring to Indonesia now," wrote Ramadan Aditria account. Other users participate leave a comment on the photo, "Ciyee ... Mlaku-will not work properly (streets) to Borobudur."

Before flying to Indonesia, Facebook could write his intention happenings project through his Facebook account. Zuckerberg explained, he will partner with carriers to provide free basic services, such as health, education, employment, and communications in several countries, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Tanzania, Paraguay, and Zambia. (Read:, Project Online Zuckerberg-the World) Facebook initiated this is a global partnership that aims to make access to the Internet can be reached by two-thirds of the world population is currently not able to access the Internet. According to the data, there are currently 2.7 billion people have Internet access. However, more than two-thirds of the world's population does not have Internet access.

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