Thursday 2 October 2014

The Largest Bank In Indonesia

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. is a bank headquartered in Jakarta, and is the largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets, loans, and deposits. This bank was established on October 2, 1998 as part of the bank restructuring program implemented by the Government of Indonesia. In July 1999, the four state-owned banks, namely, Bank Bumi Daya (BBD), Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Indonesian Export Import Bank (Exim Bank), and Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Bapindo), combined [7] into Bank Mandiri .

History of the four Bank (BBD, BDN, Bank Exim, and Bapindo) before joining a bank, can be traced back more than 140 years ago. Fourth national banks have helped shape the history of the development of the Indonesian banking industry, and each has played an important role in economic development in Indonesia.

Bank Mandiri was formed on October 2, 1998, and four native banks effectively began operating as a combined bank in mid-1999.

Upon completion of the merger, the bank then began the process of consolidation, including the reduction of branches and employees. Further singles followed by the launch of the brand across the network through advertising and promotion.

One important achievement is the overall replacement technology platform. Bank banking system inherited from the fourth nine '' 'legacy banks' ''. After the initial investment for the consolidation of the different systems, the bank began to implement a platform replacement program which lasted for three years, where the replacement program focused on improving the ability of penetration in the segment '' 'retail banking' ''.

At this time, the information technology infrastructure bank has been able to develop '' 'e-channels' '' & retail products with '' 'Time to Market' '' better.

In the process of merger and reorganization, the number of bank branches is reduced as much as 194 pieces and 26,600 employees be reduced from 17.620. The first is its CEO Robby Djohan. Then in May 2000, was replaced ECW Neloe Djohan position. Neloe served for five years, before being replaced Agus Martowardojo as a Director since May 2005 Neloe facing allegations of involvement in corruption cases in the bank.

In March 2005, the bank has 829 branches spread throughout Indonesia and six branches overseas. In addition, the bank has about 2,500 ATMs and three principal subsidiaries: Bank Syariah Mandiri, Mandiri Securities, and AXA Mandiri.

Bank customers are comprised of various segments are the main drivers of the Indonesian economy. Based on the business sector, the bank clients engaged in business, which is very diverse. As part of the effort to apply '' 'prudential banking' '' & '' 'best practices for risk management' '', the bank has made various changes. One of them, credit approval and monitoring carried out by the '' 'four-eye principle' '', which is separated from the credit approval and marketing activities of business units. As part of diversifying risk and revenue, the bank also scored significant progress in serving the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and retail customers. In late 1999, the share of credit to customers '' 'corporate' '' still amounted to 87% of total loans, while on December 31, 2009, the portion of their loans to SMEs and micro has reached 42.22% and the portion of consumer loans to customers amounted to 13 , 92%, while the portion of the credit to the customers '' 'corporate' '' covers 43.86% of total loans.

After completing the transformation program since 2005 to 2009, the Bank is preparing to implement the next phase of transformation with revitalizing the vision and mission to be the Financial Institution of Indonesia's most admired and progressive.

In June 2013, the bank already has about 1,811 branches and 11,812 ATMs spread evenly in 34 provinces in Indonesia without exception, further confirms the bank ranks as one of the largest banks in Indonesia.

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