Saturday 4 October 2014

October 5th 1945 the Indonesian Army Was Formed

People's Security Army (or commonly abbreviated by TKR) is a name first army established by the Government of Indonesia, after the proclamation of Indonesian independence. TKR was formed on October 5, 1945 by edict issued by the Indonesian government. TKR was formed from the increased functionality of the People's Security Agency (BKR) existing and former army essentially drawn from PETA.

The formation of this army aims to address the situation began unsafe, due to the arrival of the allied forces back to Indonesia after Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies.

TKR TKR consists of Army, Marine and TKR TKR Flight Bureau which are all derived from the change in the BKR Land, Sea and BKR BKR air.

To extend the functionality of the army in defending the independence and security of the people of Indonesia, the Indonesian government later changed the name of People's Security Army into the People Salvation Army on January 7, 1946 by Government Decision 2 / SD 1946.

On October 5, 1945 which contains the authorities to announce the formation of the national army. Vice President Mohammad Hatta and called former KNIL officer, Major Oerip Soemohardjo to Jakarta to prepare the army organization.

On October 6, 1945, the government lifted Suprijadi, a figure of PETA rebellion Blitar, to become Minister of People's Security, and Vice President Mohammad Hatta then lifted Oerip TKR became Chief of the General Staff with the rank of Lieutenant General.

On October 9, 1945, the Central Indonesian National Committee issued a call for the mobilization of the contents TKR appeal to all young people of Indonesia and the good that has not already been gained military exercises, to register as a member of TKR. On October 14, 1945 the former KNIL officer of Indonesia, issued a statement to the Indonesian government and the Central Indonesian National Committee, that the officers standing behind the Indonesian government and ready to accept any command.

On October 20, 1945 the government raised Suprijadi as Supreme Leader TKR and Oerip Soemohardjo as Chief of the General Staff. Suprijadi but never appeared for his post. After Major Oerip appointed as Chief of the General Staff with the rank of Lieutenant General, immediately arrange Oerip Supreme Headquarters organization TKR (MT-TKR), mimic the War Department of the Dutch East Indies. Then the organization also compiled the General Headquarters (MBU) which is part Supreme headquarters TKR.

Supreme Headquarters TKR originally set in Navan, but based on the advice and judgment of Oerip strategy, the highest headquarters then moved to Yogyakarta. Noida is located in an area with a width of approximately 100 km, while the Yogyakarta is located in an area that is much broader.

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