Saturday 4 October 2014

October 4th 2010 Flood Wasior

Flash floods occur, due to the destruction of forests in Wasior, so the incessant rains that have occurred since Saturday, October 2, 2010 to Sunday, October 3, 2010 caused the Batang River Mountains Salai were tipped at Wondiwoy overflow.

Flooding that occurs causes a lot of infrastructure in Wasior destroyed including airfield in Wasior, while also overwrite damage homes, hospitals, bridges, as well as several churches. Damage that occurs due to the recent flooding brings with it large rocks, tree trunks, lumpur.Bencana flash floods that occurred also interfere with communication, disconnected the power grid, and community activities paralyzed.

Flash floods also caused 158 people dead and 145 people are still listed as missing. While most of the wounded were taken to Manokwari and Nabire.Sementara most other injuries and survivors accommodated in places pengungsian.Akibat recent flooding that damaged homes and infrastructure residents the survivors decide to flee to Manokwari by boat sea​​.

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