Friday 19 September 2014


Rice is the staple food for the whole of modern Indonesian society, and rice agriculture occupies a prime position in Indonesian culture; shaping the landscape; sold in the market; is the basic ingredient of many types of food that is savory to sweet. In general, rice is eaten in the form of ordinary rice aspire to a little taste of fresh vegetables and side dishes rice friends by his side as a source of protein and other nutrient sources. Rice can also be used as ketupat (rice steamed in woven coconut leaves), lontong (rice steamed in banana leaf package), peek (rice crackers), snacks, vermicelli, noodles, rice wine, and fried rice.


Ketupat or Kupat is a typical dish made ​​from maritime Southeast Asia rice wrapped in a wrapper made ​​of woven palm leaves (leaf) are still young. Ketupat is most prevalent at the time of the celebration of Eid, when Muslims celebrate the end of fasting month.


Indonesian food is rice cake made ​​of rice wrapped in banana leaves and boiled in water for a few hours and if the water is running out of water poured over and over again so until some time. Satai usually served with rice cake, salad, or curry goat. Ways of making rice cake is easier than ketupat. 


Lemper is a kind of snack made ​​of glutinous rice and usually contains shredded or chopped chicken meat and wrapped in banana leaves.

This snack is famous throughout Indonesia as a booster stomach before entering the stage of a big meal. Making lemper include minced chicken meat preparation and cooking glutinous like cooking rice (can be combined with coconut milk). Furthermore, chopped chicken meat wrapped with sticky rice, and sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves again in the form of large, elongated shape like a rice cake, then steamed until cooked and cooled, after a cold pack that extends lemper was sliced ​​transversely with a thickness as desired so content of minced chicken meat looks.


Nasi goreng or Fried rice is a food such as rice and stir fried in cooking oil or margarine, typically plus soy sauce, onion, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices, such as eggs, chicken, and crackers. There is also another type of Nasi Goreng made ​​with salted fish is also popular in Indonesia. Indonesia's national dish knows no social class boundaries. Nasi Goreng can be enjoyed simply on roadside stalls, vending carts, up to the restaurant and the buffet table in the party. In 2011, an Internet poll conducted by CNN International and attended by 35,000 people put Nasi Goreng at number two on the list of '50 most delicious food in the world 'after rendang. 

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