Tuesday 23 September 2014

3 Accusations Leaning Anas to SBY Family

Jakarta - Former Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum will judge sentenced Corruption Court in Jakarta on Wednesday, September 24th 2014 In its claim, the prosecutor asked the judge KPK convict cases of alleged corruption that Hambalang project with 15 years jail. (Read: Tomorrow, the Verdict Narrated Anas Urbaningrum)

Repeatedly in his testimony, Anas has denied involvement in the mega project worth Rp 2.5 trillion. He did not hesitate to accuse former colleagues, Muhammad Nazaruddin, testified often lie to corner him. Nazaruddin one of the people who disassemble the case. (Read: 466 Anas and politician who snared Corruption)

Besides Nazaruddin, Anas several times dragged the name of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his family into the Hambalang case. Anas reason Cikeas family alleges merely to relieve the charges against him. "If Pak SBY and Ibas (Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono) said honestly what happened, certainly relieve me," said Anas on May 30, 2014 (Read: Testifying in Court of Anas, Angelina Different)

Resistance actually long ago been leveled Anas, especially when he was determined to be suspect on 22 February 2013, "I became convinced a suspect when requested more concentrated focus on the legal issues facing the Commission (by the High Council of the Democratic Party)," Anas said. (Read: Anas Urbaningrum Sued 15 Years in Prison)

Here are three attacks against Anas SBY family.

1 President Election Campaign Fund

Anas accusations directed to SBY, who was then Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Democrats. Anas SBY accused the funds used for the presidential election campaign hampered by legal problems. Reporters saw it held Anas file charges when questioned by the KPK, Friday, March 28 2014 (Read: Campaign Cost SBY fictitious, Ruhut: Anas Liar!)

"This is my take home again, ya," Anas said, holding up the bundle of documents marked "Independent Accountant's Report on Applying Agreed Upon Procedures to Report Acceptance and Use of Funds General Election Campaign 2009 Presidential Candidate Pair of President and Vice President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) -Boediono and the National Campaign team "it.

Actually Anas himself did not deal with election funds in 2009, but he argued the report gets results. "It's interesting, a lot of odd. Hence, I submit to the Commission," said Laila's husband Atthiyah. (Read: Anas Suspicious Cost of Funds Century Campaign SBY)

Vice Chairman of the Democratic Success in General Election 2009, He was awarded, denied the claims Anas. He expressed his party to run for election to the orderly is in conformity with the Law on Presidential Election. Election Commission and the Election Supervisory Board also claimed to have audited the funding and use of campaign funds. SBY and Boediono decision victory also claimed to have no legitimate after the Constitutional Court decision in favor of the results of the presidential election in 2009.

Djoko Anas ensure there is no name on the composition of a successful team is headed by Hatta Rajasa. "There is no name Anas. Nothing special teams. Which no special duty, which won SBY and Boediono," Djoko said at the State Palace on Wednesday, March 26, 2014.

2 Purchase of Toyota Harrier

One of the charges that led Anas is the money used to buy the Toyota Harrier. Anas argued he was not using corruption money to buy a premium car brand Toyota. Car with plate-AUD B-15's, according to Anas, it was purchased from the proceeds of his labor as the best spokesman for SBY-Boediono on July 16, 2009.

"I was given attention by SBY Rp 250 million," said Anas at the Commission on September 5, 2014 Anas SBY feel confident knowing that money. "I never talked to SBY about this, after I was removed in 2013" (Read also: Anas: Money DP Toyota Harrier from SBY)

Democrat spokesman, Ruhut Sitompul, suggesting better today Anas silent. Therefore, the words posed are increasingly making Anas fell slumped deeper into the abyss. "He (Anas) did not understand the law. Want to try searching for survivors but instead falls deeper. Waffle Anas just rinse your mouth," he said. (Read: Ruhut: Want to Go Ravine, Anas Search Handbook)

3 Accusations Ibas Receive Money

One of the charges that may be a negotiating tool Anas is targeting the president's family. Anas who once considered close to Rudi knew Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono involvement or Ibas in the SEA Games and Hambalang project. Anas twice tried to convince Yudhoyono Nazaruddin as an adviser to the party not sanctioned heavily.

The meeting presented when dropping Rudi met Yudhoyono on May 17, 2011 and May 23, 2011. At that meeting actually threaten open Nazar Ibas involvement in relation to the SEA Games project when he was discharged. Nazar Tempo was evasive answer when asked whether he poured money to Ibas. "Later dululah, now Anas wrote first," said Nazar. The Ibas also evasive. "Haram for me to receive money that is not in line with the spirit of anti-corruption," said Ibas.

Lawyer Anas Urbaningrum, Word Wijaya, could provide information to the Commission relating to money received from the Permai Group Ibas. "Mas Mas Ibas Anas said that the money received $ 200 thousand located in Jalan Ciasem Jakarta," Word said after accompanying Anas inspection at the Commission, Friday, March 28 2014 Ibas himself has dismissed the allegations that: "A thousand percent I was sure that I was not received funding from the cases mentioned so far. "

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