Saturday 11 October 2014

Sade, village Aged 935 Years in NTB, Indonesia

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, MATARAM - an indigenous Sasak on Lombok Island. Sasak village is quite famous in the village of Sade, Rembitan-Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

To be able to make a trip to Dusun Sade, can be reached by traveling about 30 km from the city of Mataram.

Residents in this village receive any incoming power. And still preserve their cultural traditions as well as building houses, customs, customary to dance.

On arriving at the village of Sade, we are immediately greeted by a tour guide who is a native of village Sade. There we sign the guest book, and then invited to tour the village, including a visit to the Sasak houses.

"There is still holding strong traditions and culture. village Sade is the oldest village here. Formed in 1079, has 935 years," says Vitro, Sade Hamlet, Sunday (12/10/2014).

Vitro extensive resume Sade village which is about 5 acres and is inhabited by 152 families. Where the home may only be occupied by the head of the family. The total population of 700 people.

So if there are people who get married Sade village they should build a house outside the village of Sade.

Monitoring, the houses in this village made ​​of bamboo and wood then the roof of the building made ​​of straw.

Every house in the village of Sade is divided into two parts. The front of the men to sleep. While the inside of which had to go through two or three steps to the upper part contains the kitchen, barns and bedding women.

Floor Sasak houses in the village of Sade made ​​of clay. And to clean it, people using buffalo dung is applied to the floor as much as once a week.

Type sasak house there are three types namely Bale Bontar the family home with more than one child, Bale Podong for newly married people or parents to spend old age. And last is Bale Tani.

Although electricity has been entered, but the way of life of residents in village Sade is still traditional. They still cook using the stove and firewood.

Activity and the majority of its citizens livelihood as farmers. While the women when they were hit by drought usually weaving and selling handicrafts such as bracelets, cloth, scarf, cap and others.

"The main work here farmers, with rainfed crop once a year," says Vitro.

During touring in the village Sade, we can also see the process of weaving, the manufacture of cotton yarn from raw materials traditionally, a visit to the mosque to socialize with people.

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