Friday 3 October 2014

Police Shoot 4 TNI in Batam Indonesia

Inspector General of Police Commissioner General Supervision Priyatno Dwi said police shot four steps TNI members in Batam, Riau Islands, has appropriate procedures and Police Decree No. 1 of 2010 and the Police Regulation No. 1 of 2009.

"The actions we are clear steps. Deeds we have appropriate procedures and are protected by law," said Dwi at Police Headquarters, Friday, October 3 2014 (Read: Army Clashes-Mobile Brigade, Army Chief of Staff Sambangi Batam)

In addition, as a defense shooting is justified, according to Dwi, because in accordance with Article 48 of the Code of Criminal on Forced power or coercion. The police, he said, doing a forced power because of the blocking groups. But he did not want to mention who was behind the barrier group. (Read: Chronology of Shooting Four Soldiers Army Version)

This shooting case against members of the military police began when Special Crime Directorate along with the bomb squad Detachment Brigade Riau Islands Police raided a warehouse owned solar N accumulation in Housing Copyright Asri, Batam. Of effort on Sunday, 21 September 2014, according to a police of Riau Islands Police, police seized a number of items of evidence and bring witnesses.

But when getting out of the housing, which is driving the team car and the motorcycle was intercepted by a group of plainclothes. "It is quite a lot. Approximately one company," said the police via text message.

Police were trying to disperse a flock was blocked shot blocker with a time in the direction of the road. Not only that, the mob also damaged a police car teams and gang up on a motorbike.

Luckily, the police managed to break the shot of obstacles. Ditkrimsus members went back to the police station Barelang, while home to the headquarters of Brimob members.

It turns out that the mass roadblock to the team pursuit Brimob headquarters. At headquarters, they beat up members of Brimob on guard. They also damaged the building where the car wash business owned Provost Section Chief.

Hearing colleagues beaten, some members of the Mobile Brigade headquarters was pushed out and repay mass. The Brimob members managed to respond to a mass punch and injure members with bayonet attacker captured from the wrong person in the plainclothes flock.

The police also confirmed that members of Brimob had detained a person of mass roadblock. During examination, the unknown is a member of Battalion 134 captured army. But members of the Riau Islands police shooting of four military denied. According to the post mortem doctor check it, there is only one person was injured by gunshot ricochet. While others were wounded by a sharp weapon.

Four members of the military who are shot Ari Private Kusdiyanto, Prada Sulistyo Today, Eka PFC Basri, and Private Eka Syahputra. All four suffered gunshot wounds in the leg.

TNI and police are still awaiting the results of the investigation of cases of joint military-police team. According to the head of the TNI Information Center Major General Fuad Basya, the team will present the results of the investigation after October 7, 2014.


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