Monday 6 October 2014

October 7th 1920 Born Of Sutomo

Sutomo (born in Surabaya, East Java, October 3, 1920 - died in Padang Arafah, Saudi Arabia, October 7, 1981 at the age of 61 years) [1] better known by the nickname of the people as Bung Tomo, is a hero known for his role in encouraging people to resist the return of the Dutch through NICA, which ended with the battle of 10 November 1945, which until now celebrated as Heroes' Day.

Sutomo grew up in homes that value education highly. He spoke openly and passionately. He likes to work hard to improve the situation. At age 12, when he was forced to leave his studies in MULO, Sutomo doing various small jobs to cope with the effects of depression that swept the world at that time. Later he completed his HBS education through correspondence, but never officially graduated.

Sutomo then joined the KBI (Scout Indonesian Nation). Later Sutomo asserted that scouting philosophy, coupled with a nationalist consciousness that is gained from this group and from his grandfather, a good substitute for formal education. At the age of 17, he became famous as successful became second in the Dutch East Indies reached Garuda Scout rank. Before the Japanese occupation in 1942, is ranked only achieved by three Indonesian.

Sutomo never become a successful journalist. Then he joined with a number of political and social groups. When he was elected in 1944 to become a member of the New People's Movement sponsored by Japan, almost no one who knew him. But all these Sutomo prepare for a very important role, when in October and November 1945, he became one of the leaders of the people moving and uplifting Surabaya, Surabaya at that time attacked severely by the British troops were landed to melucutkan occupation army weapons Japan and Europe freed prisoners. Sutomo particularly remembered for opening calls on the radio broadcasts were filled with emotion.

Although Indonesia defeated in the Battle of 10 November, these events are recorded as one of the most important events in the history of Indonesian Independence.

After the independence of Indonesia, Sutomo was entering the world of politics in the 1950s, but he did not feel happy and then disappeared from the political scene. At the end of the reign of Sukarno and Suharto beginning early supports, Sutomo re-emerged as a national figure.

In fact, a variety of important state positions never carried Bung Tomo. He was the former Secretary of State for the Armed Warrior / Veterans once Minister of Social Affairs Ad Interim in 1955-1956 in the era of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Burhanuddin Harahap. Bung Tomo is also recorded as a member of Parliament 1956-1959 representing the People's Party Indonesia.

But in the early 1970s, he again disagreed with the New Order government. He speaks loudly against Suharto programs so that on 11 April 1978 he was arrested by the Indonesian government that seems to worry about the harsh criticism. Just one year later he was released by Suharto. Though his spirit was not destroyed in the prison, Sutomo seems no longer interested to be vocal.

After the government was urged by the Youth Movement (GP) and the Golkar Party Ansor (FPG) to give the title of hero to the Bung Tomo on November 9, 2007 [2] Finally, the national hero title given to Bung Tomo coincide on Heroes' Day November 10, 2008. this decision was delivered by the Minister of Communications and Information Technology United Indonesia Cabinet, Muhammad Nuh on November 2, 2008 in Jakarta.

In the 1950s in Surabaya, Bung Tomo tried as the first pedicab driver helper to set up soap factory through tuition pedicab driver for the establishment of a soap factory. The plant was set up by and for pedicab drivers but the continuation of the idea of ​​establishing successful soap factory and in the absence of coverage of financial responsibility.

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