Wednesday 1 October 2014

Indonesian Coffee Festival 2014

Jakarta - Indonesian Coffee Festival (ICF) held on 17-19 October 2014 in Bali. ICF 2014 is an annual event, aims to promote Indonesian coffee to the world, that in the future Indonesia became the center of the world's coffee. Also expected to lift the lives of coffee farmers.

Yanthi Tambunan, Founder & Chairperson of the ICF Steering Committee, said that to get quality coffee takes the correct process of growing up to be the coffee beans.

This initial process would be the coffee farmers, through a correct understanding of the growing and processing of coffee will produce quality coffee.

Results of quality coffee will certainly impact on the value of selling the coffee itself. ICF is not only promoting coffee, but also provide insight to coffee farmers, as well as opening up the market for them to be able to increase production and quality. In the end, the dignity of Indonesian coffee farmers can be lifted, "said Yanthi in Jakarta, Monday, September 29 2014 (Read: Indonesian Pursue So Target Center World Coffee)

Yanthi said ICF own journey began with The Road To The Indonesian Coffee Festival in London on December 23, 2011, followed by the first Indonesian Coffee Festival in Ubud, Bali, in 2012 and last year in Yogyakarta.

ICF has managed to gather all the elements, from coffee farmers, entrepreneurs, government, SME, to the community of coffee lovers. It shows the ICF into a strategic means of gathering all the elements together to make Indonesia the center of the world's coffee, "said Yanthi.

ICF 2014 is expected to be visited more than a hundred buyers (buyers) internationally, including from the United States, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Spain, Canada, Belgium, England, and the Netherlands.

The number of exhibitors is expected to reach 50 participants, both from within and outside the country, as well as 7,500 domestic and foreign visitors. Participants ICF consists of plantations, roasters, brewers, coffee machines, café brands, coffee utensils, coffee bar, coffee spa, and coffee merchandising.

Besides the exhibition, the main activities of the ICF in 2014 is business matchmaking, coffee auction, workshops roasting, brewing workshops, café, coffee bar, coffee spa, visit Kintamani coffee in the garden, and the performing arts, "he said.

Ritual of drinking coffee including lifestyle undergone major changes as a result of the increase in the standard of living and the growing middle class in Indonesia.

Previously, enjoying a cup of coffee is typically done at home or a coffee shop. Now, enjoy the cafes and coffee made ​​classy restaurant with an increasingly broad segment, both in terms of gender and age range. (Read: 29 Promoted to Specialty Coffee Indonesia ...)

"It is encouraging domestic coffee consumption rose 6-8 percent per year. Currently, coffee consumption is predicted to reach 300 thousand tons per year.'s Making big opportunity for domestic producers to focus work on the local market," said Yanthi.

According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), coffee consumption is rising twice as fast in the exporting countries and importing coffee, like the United States and Italy. Coffee farmers in exporting countries continue to meet the rise in demand at home and abroad.

According to analysts, it triggers higher coffee prices in the futures market about 75 percent. ICF Activity 2014 will be good momentum for Indonesian coffee actors to work together to succeed and increase domestic coffee industry in the future. I did not forget to say thank you and appreciation to all those who contributed to the implementation of the ICF in 2014, "said Yanti.

2014 ICF is supported by the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI), the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters (AICE), Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters (GAEKI), Association of Indonesian Kopi Luwak, the ASEAN Secretariat , MarkPlus Inc., Mayor of Denpasar, Sanur foundation, and the Bali Tourism Board.


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