Monday 13 October 2014

10 best restaurant in Indonesia version of Tripadvisor

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - TripAdvisor travel site called the Locavore in Ubud, Bali, as one of the best travelers choice. Locavore became the only Indonesian restaurant which penetrates the list of the best restaurants in Asia TripAdvisor version. Locavore was in eighth position in the list of the best restaurants in Asia.

Newly opened in early 2013, Locavore reap praise from the visitors as contemporary European menu is served. "Winner restaurant Travelers' won the hearts of TripAdvisor community with food, service, and atmosphere of their restaurant at the forefront-the perfect ingredients for a fine dining experience unforgettable," said Barbara Messing, TripAdvisor's head of marketing, in a press statement to Tempo, Wednesday, October 8, 2014.

"TripAdvisor applaud the top restaurants in the world that has been satisfying our communities and satisfy their appetites," said Messing. Travellers' Choice Awards given to the top travel sites based on millions of valuable reviews and opinions from TripAdvisor travelers.

Award winners are determined by using an algorithm that takes into account the quantity and quality reviews for restaurants in the world collected over a period of more than 12 months.

Locavore topped the list of the ten best restaurants in Indonesia is dominated by restaurants from Bali at Legian, Seminyak, Nusa Dua, and Kuta. It also beat the domination Kayuputi at a five-star resort St. Regis.

Here is a list of the best restaurants in Indonesia version TripAdvisor:

Locavore Restaurant, Ubud

Pearl French Restaurant, Legian

Cocoon Restaurant Bar Beach Club, Seminyak

Cafe Jemme, Kerobokan

Kayuputi, St. Regis Bali Resort, Nusa Dua

Sarong Restaurant, Kerobokan

Bamboo Restaurant Bali, Seminyak

MerahPutih Restaurant, Kerobokan

Mozaic Restaurant Gastronomique, Ubud

Bridges, Ubud
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To Indonesia, Zuckerberg Popped into Borobudur Temple

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, finally arrived in Indonesia in order campaign, a project that aims to make the people of the world are not blind Internet. Zuckerberg campaign will be held on Monday, October 13, 2014, at the Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta. Before coming to the capital city, a man with a total of Rp 423 trillion, it took a visit to Borobudur.

"I just arrived in Indonesia and rise to the top (Temple) Borobudur to watch the sunrise. event tomorrow, I can not wait to meet with the developer, co-operators, and the government in Jakarta," Zuckerberg wrote in his Facebook account today.

Photo Zuckerberg immediately bombarded by the occupants thumbs up. A number of users also seem happy with Zuckerberg's presence in Indonesia.

"The creator of Facebook again touring to Indonesia now," wrote Ramadan Aditria account. Other users participate leave a comment on the photo, "Ciyee ... Mlaku-will not work properly (streets) to Borobudur."

Before flying to Indonesia, Facebook could write his intention happenings project through his Facebook account. Zuckerberg explained, he will partner with carriers to provide free basic services, such as health, education, employment, and communications in several countries, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Tanzania, Paraguay, and Zambia. (Read:, Project Online Zuckerberg-the World) Facebook initiated this is a global partnership that aims to make access to the Internet can be reached by two-thirds of the world population is currently not able to access the Internet. According to the data, there are currently 2.7 billion people have Internet access. However, more than two-thirds of the world's population does not have Internet access.
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Sunday 12 October 2014

The tasting Honey of Sumbawa Indonesia

TEMPO.CO, Mataram: Green Valley is located at the outlet side of the road before entering the town of Sumbawa Besar or precisely in the village of Karang Dima. There is available Sumbawa honey sold Green Valley Forest Farmers Group. Available in bottles branded honey Honey Weak Tuwa Sumbawa. The price, less a liter size bottle of Rp 125 thousand and other sizes for Rp 80 thousand.

Green Valley honey comes from trees Boan, Ketimusan, Kesambi, Pecan, which is not far from the forest area of 5,000 hectares Kanar production. Once a season there, the group could produce approximately 1,000 bottles of the honey season like September, October, and November. Honey is produced by bees Apisdorsata large. (Read also: BNI Help Sumbawa Honey Research Center)

When stopped there, Sunday, September 28, 2014 afternoon, Tempo treated to a small glass of water mixed with honey drink Blimbing Wuluh Apisdorsata called wild honey. Feels good and feels fresh during summertime.

During 2013, the production of honey sent to Jakarta Sumbawa as much as 12 tons. All of which comes from forests in 24 districts of the district of Sumbawa. »Each jungle in Sumbawa produce honey," said Jamaluddin Malik Sumbawa Regent explain potential honey products Moyo welcomed Festival 2014 in Sumbawa Besar, Saturday, September 27, 2014 afternoon.

Director of Tourism Promotion of the Interior Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Tazbir said Sumbawa honey production has long been recognized. »This is well known. Sumbawa has long been a big name menasional, "he said while attending the seminar Reveals Potential Major Destinations Towards Tourism Sumbawa Indonesia, Saturday, September 27, 2014.

In order to preserve the results of Sumbawa honey that is global, Sumbawa regency government since last four years to fix the procedures for making honey harvest forest using sustainable governance. There must be no longer seekers who take honey honeycomb depleted in the tree. They must leave 30 percent for the benefit of the return of the bees so that honey again a month later contains new and produced three times a year.

Implementing Advanced Extension Forestry, Darmansyah, teaches search of honey to get a non-timber forest products. »We have a duty to keep the sustainable harvest," he said.

A Forestry Extension Organization said 20-year search for honey, he's always out every beehive harvest. »Includes larvae taken home for sale," he said.

Now to maintain its sustainability, only the water taken alone honey. Sumbawa honey has a moisture content of 18-20 percent of the price is still considered cheap because sebotolnya only Rp 200 thousand when compared to the Arabian honey water content of 15 percent, but the price can be quite costly to $ 3 million per bottle.

Now, honey farmers there also developed a pattern of cultivation which produces honey or bee Trigona sp Abicerana which costs Rp 50 thousand a bottle of energy
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The Most Delicious Culinary From Semarang Indonesia

When your picnic to Semarang, mostly relatives or associates may be ordered by the milkfish presto-soft and savory. But it turns out, capital of Central Java is not only famous for the banding too salty. Also presents a delicious and unique snacks. Here are three special menu style Semarang.
Beefsteak tongue

Located near Old Town, Toko Oen has a menu mainstay is a frequent target of tourists. Bestik tongue his name. Actually, Bestik tongue is not a new type of food in Central Java. Beef tongue dish cooked with spices Bestik a common menu.

Alkulturasi beefsteak itself is a Western culture of the steak with the cooking style of Java that produces a rich flavor spices. At Toko Oen, beefsteak tongue comes in delicious flavors. There's nothing sweet or salty taste in the meat pieces excessive tongue. Even the spice blend evenly too pervasive. Tenderness processed beef tongue is also worth a thumbs up. With the price of Rp 75,000 per portion, you can eliminate hunger.

Toko Oen itself is so comfortable and quiet as a dining area. This European-style old building seemed to bring guests to the atmosphere of the past. Outlets in the Youth Road No. 52 is still the theme of the 1936 establishment period Toko Oen in Semarang by Ms. Liem Gien Nio.

Loenpia Semarang

Still on the Road of Pemuda , you can find a gang planked pointer "Ma'am Loenpia Lien". In Semarang, snack spring rolls are very popular souvenirs. Moreover, is larger than the spring rolls from other areas.

Historically, once spring rolls made ​​by ethnic Chinese population who marry and settle in Semarang Indonesia. Alkuturasi food became famous when sold at the Games Ganefo.

Ms Lien Loenpia itself is one of the spring rolls recommendation. There, you can enjoy two types of lumpia: fried and soggy. While the contents of spring rolls you can choose according to taste, chicken, shrimp, or a combination of both. "Durability wet spring rolls around four days out of the refrigerator and a week in the cooler," said Ms Liem Loenpia employees. "The price varies between 10,000 to Rp12,000."
Mochi cake

Mochi cake you can also buy in stores Loenpia Ms Liem. In Semarang, cakes like these dumplings known as moachi. Although also sprinkled sesame mochi Semarang much softer.

That said, this mochi cake go to Semarang with Japanese traders. From day to day, the Japanese mochi been modified with a local flavor. "Mochi cakes including the best-selling souvenirs," said Ms Liem Loenpie employees. "It costs about 18,000 to Rp33.000, and can last for one week.
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From bikes, Wayan Success reap Hundreds of Millions

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta: Name Wayan Sujana, can not be separated from Baligobike. He is the initiator and owner of cycling tourism services company based in Ubud, Gianyar, Bali.

Established in 2006, Baligobike now almost never quiet enthusiasts. Every day, an average of 30 tourists using the services of his company to get around Ubud with the bike. On weekends, the number of tourists doubled to 50 people per day. For pricing, Wayan peg the rate of Rp 450 thousand per person for a shuttle from Ubud and Rp 500 thousand per person from Kuta. When calculated, this 42-year-old man could pocket the turnover of up to hundreds of millions of dollars saban month.

Wayan direguk success today is actually not coming from the sky. He pioneered and bringing up his business from scratch. Before opening his own bike tourist services, Wayan had worked as an employee in a similar company owned by foreigners. Tourism school graduates PPLP Dhyana Pura, Denpasar in 1994, was not satisfied just listed as people pay.

Armed with four bikes, he ventured to open a similar business. Now the bike has reached 150 units. Capitalized determination, he convinced local residents can reap success. "I want to prove that the Balinese are also smart entrepreneurship," he said when met Tempo, at the end of last month.

Wayan will design their own path through which the guests. Not only the beautiful scenery, the track must also friendly for cyclists. "The most important thing is the track is not harmful, so it can not be indiscriminate," said the father of three children.

There are three options which tracks views of terracing rice fields in Ubud, tourist tracks enjoy the mountains and Mount Batur, and last tracks are challenging around Mengwi, Badung. In addition to challenging tracks, tourists are also invited to mingle dnegna society, for example come to harvest rice and introduce Balinese houses.

Initially, Wayan only provide cycling tours. But this time Wayan began to explore the culinary business. He took his wife, Jero Raini, to provide food for its guests.

As a result, after cycling, travelers will be presented with the typical snacks island, ranging from Balinese coffee, tea, fried bananas, and a variety of heavy foods such as chicken betutu and others. There is also a choice of western food such as toast and pancakes contents.

Wayan increasingly big business. Consumers are mostly foreign tourists from Australia and countries in Europe. To run the business, he recruited local youth. However Wayan remain humble figure.

That afternoon, when we tested the bike tour after being held Baligobike, he greets guests in the dining hall of his house at once broad in Ubud. "Hello, are you happy? 'Wayan said, asked a number of foreign tourists being unwind. those Wayan, the happiness of travelers, it is hers as well. Not surprisingly, several times Wayan pocketed a certificate of excellence from Trip Advisor.
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